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Facebook creator

ReplyThanks 2018/11/21 21:47:39 0 0

I am looking to buy facebook creator. Can i ask if facebook creator can solve the latest Facebook photo verification as well phone verification?

Do I also have to provide email?

2018/11/22 16:19:46

What is the latest Facebook photo verification please?

If Facebook asks for ID to verify, then our software cannot help you verify it, it needs you to provide your real ID to verify, then Facebook can unblock your account.

Yes you need to provide real email to verify, then your account can be verified by email.

2018/11/22 16:43:08
So what does your software do? Lol
2018/11/22 18:57:39
Auto enter the pre write data to register, and auto verify your email account during register.
2018/11/23 20:35:37
Phone Verify Automatically

PVACreator can get phone numbers and receive sms to verify your accounts automatically.

Can your software still do this?

2018/11/26 10:27:31
No phone verification is not available right now.

We removed this function because we found that Facebook will ask for ID after verify the phone number. But if you need this function after bought this software, we can help you add it.
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