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Find Link and Click if No Link Click next page

ReplyThanks 2016/09/18 12:30:25 0 0

Here is the scenario. Hopefully someone who speaks English will be able to understand and help.

I am trying to get my bot to find a link and click it, however the link is not always present if not I need it to move to page 2 etc.

I have tried using the IF statement but I can't get it to look for the link and provide a false or true.

If the link to renew is present I want it to click it

If not present I want to move to the next page.

This should be extremely simple task but after many efforts I cannot get it to work or get the proper help from support.

Steve 316
2016/09/18 22:41:47

Hello Steve 31,

Please send your module to us, we will check it when we are avaialble. Are you the paid user of botchief? If so, please send your Paypal/payment account to us, we will check it.



2016/09/19 13:55:47
Yes I am a botchief developer and I have sent it previously.
Steve 316
2016/09/19 23:39:13
Sorry, please send again if you want us to help you solve it. According to your description, the theory of your bot is no problem.

2017/05/22 03:51:06
Hi. Im trying solve same problem. For searching i use scrape. But if if scrape didnt find element i have got error. How can i ingnor this error?
2017/05/22 14:51:22
5 # AlexanderLAV 2017/5/22 3:51:06
Hi. Im trying solve same problem. For searching i use scrape. But if if scrape didnt find element i have got error. How can i ingnor this error?

What is the error you get?

You can use the TryCatch action to have a test

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