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Alexa Rank Checker

ReplyThanks 2014/03/26 22:49:29 4 0

Check the Alexa Rank for around 10 websites at the same time. It’s the easiest and fastest solution to simultaneously gather Alexa Rank, incoming Hyperlinks, and the Status of multiple websites. Utilize this Alexa Rank Checker to investigate your own web sites or even to generate custom deliverable reports for customers.

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2015/02/14 06:50:35
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2020/09/09 06:28:48

There was a man who saw snake about same time was prickleby barbed wire. Thinking he was bitten by the snake he foamed at the mouth andacted as though he was dying. When the doctor arrived and saw there was noabrasion he assured the man that he has not been bitten. The man became wellinstantly

Illustration 2

A man went fishing caught some Fishes and gave his wifeto prepare it for dinner. While they were eating it and enjoying. He told thewife that he caught the fish in a river and when he was about leaving he founddrown dead body inside the river. Instantly the wife start vomiting. Then hesaid he was joking. Instantly she stop vomiting.

To enjoy life and good relations with others,some risk is involved. You will never know what it feels like to get rid of afear until you risk behavior that confronts it. So get right back on the iceafter a fall!

2020/09/09 06:32:03

WhatFear Is

Fear is a feeling or an emotion.When a person has fear, they are afraid or scared. A person who fearssomething does not want it to happen. The fear response comes fromsensing danger. ... Fear is the body's way of protecting itself fromdoing things that may be dangerous. You know what it’s like to be afraid of something, whetherit be thunderstorms, a trip to the dentist, a stranger at your door, or losingsomeone dear to you. Fear is a normal reaction that warns our bodies to becareful.

Sometimes fear stems from real threats, but it can also originatefrom imagined dangers. Fear can also be a symptom of some mental healthconditions including panic disorder, social anxiety disorder, phobias, andpost-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Fear is composed of two primary reactions to some type ofperceived threat: biochemical and emotional.

Biochemical Reaction

Fear is a natural emotion and a survival mechanism. When weconfront a perceived threat, our bodies respond in specific ways. Physicalreactions to fear include sweating, increased heart rate, and high adrenalinelevels that make us extremely alert.

This physical response is also known as the “fight or flight”response, with which your body prepares itself to either enter combat or runaway. This biochemical reaction is likely an evolutionary development. It's anautomatic response that is crucial to our survival.

Emotional Response

The emotional response to fear, on the other hand, is highlypersonalized. Because fear involves some of the same chemical reactions in ourbrains that positive emotions like happiness and excitement do, feeling fearunder certain circumstances can be seen as fun, like when you watch scarymovies.?

Some people are adrenaline seekers, thriving on extreme sportsand other fear-inducing thrill situations. Others have a negative reaction tothe feeling of fear, avoiding fear-inducing situations at all costs.

Although the physical reaction is the same, the experience of fear may beperceived as either positive or negative, depending on the person.

What Is Fear, Really?

This acronym best reflects what fear is:

False Evidence Appearing Real

Fear is an emotion, and as such, is not a physical thing. Therefore, fear isnot real. Rather, it is just an illusion that is created by your mind.

These imagined scenarios of perceived threat end up feeding your fear to thepoint where it becomes all-consuming.

2020/09/09 06:34:19

The difference between healthy and unhealthy fears

Fear is programmed into your nervous system, and it works, instinctively,from when you are a baby. It gives you the survival instincts you need to keepyourself safe when you feel like you are in danger.

Some fears are healthy. If you see a poisonous snake in your back yard, andyour fear prompts you to run back into the house and close the door that is ahealthy fear. The feeling of fear is natural and helps keep you safe.

But other fears are unhealthy and unnecessary. Sometimes, your fear makesyou more cautious than you really need to be. For example, the fear of meetingnew people. It may be intimidating, but meeting new people does not pose anyreal threat to your safety. This fear is unhealthy because it stops you doingthings you might otherwise enjoy.

Fear is a natural human emotion, and it is something that everyoneexperiences in their lifetime. What matters most is how you fight your fears,and whether you let them affect your life.

You may not call your feeling ‘fear’. You might call it stress, worry orpanic, but often, when we use these words, we are talking about the sameemotion.

When you feel fear, you can experience three types of symptoms:

  1. Unhelpful thoughts, such as thinking everyone in the room is having critical thoughts about you, or that something bad will happen.
  2. Physical symptoms, such as a rapid heartbeat, faster breathing, sweating and higher blood pressure (your body’s ‘fight or flight’ response).
  3. Changes in your behaviour, ranging from simple things such as avoiding a fun activity, to more serious issues like being afraid to leave your home.

Where Fear Comes From

The answer is that it comes from US – from our own mindsand imagination. It’s important to remember that, as humans, we’ve evolved tothe stage where almost all of our fears are now self-created.

We scare ourselves by imagining negative outcomes to any activities wepursue or experience. But just because we imagine these things happening, thatdoesn’t mean they WILL happen, or that they will be as painful as we think.

That’s why psychologists like to say that fear stands for “FantasizedExperiences Appearing Real.”

Because fear is all about what MIGHT happen – not what WILL happen.

What do fear and anxiety feel like?

When you feel frightened or seriously anxious, your mind and body work veryquickly. These are some of the things that might happen:

  • Your heart beats very fast – maybe it feels irregular
  • You breathe very fast
  • Your muscles feel weak
  • You sweat a lot
  • Your stomach churns or your bowels feel loose
  • You find it hard to concentrate on anything else
  • You feel dizzy
  • You feel frozen to the spot
  • You can’t eat
  • You have hot and cold sweats
  • You get a dry mouth
  • You get very tense muscles

These things occur because your body, sensing fear, is preparing you for anemergency, so it makes your blood flow to the muscles, increases blood sugar,and gives you the mental ability to focus on the thing that your body perceivesas a threat.

With anxiety, in the longer term, you may have some of the above symptoms aswell as a more nagging sense of fear, and you may get irritable, have troublesleeping, develop headaches, or have trouble getting on with work and planningfor the future; you might have problems having sex, and might loseself-confidence.

2020/09/09 06:37:59

Why do I feel like this when I’m not in any real danger?

Early humans needed the fast, powerful responses that fear causes, as theywere often in situations of physical danger; however, we no longer face thesame threats in modern-day living.

Despite this, our minds and bodies still work in the same way as our earlyancestors, and we have the same reactions to our modern worries about bills,travel and social situations. But we can’t run away from or physically attackthese problems!

The physical feelings of fear can be scary in themselves – especially if youare experiencing them and you don’t know why, or if they seem out of proportionto the situation. Instead of alerting you to a danger and preparing you torespond to it, your fear or anxiety can kick in for any perceived threat, whichcould be imaginary or minor.

Why won’t my fear go away and leave me feeling normal again?

Fear may be a one-off feeling when you are faced with something unfamiliar.

But it can also be an everyday, long-lasting problem – even if you can’t putyour finger on why. Some people feel a constant sense of anxiety all the time,without any particular trigger.

There are plenty of triggers for fear in everyday life, and you can’t alwayswork out exactly why you are frightened or how likely you are to be harmed.Even if you can see how out of proportion a fear is, the emotional part of yourbrain keeps sending danger signals to your body.

Sometimes you need mental and physical ways of tackling fear.

What Anxiety Is

Anxiety is a type of fear, dealingmore with worry and the future, rather than fearing something that is present.When fear and anxiety become a pattern in our lives, they become a problem. Ifyour plugged drain in the kitchen sink is a problem, do you ignore it? Ofcourse not. You call a plumber or try to fix it yourself. When fearfulnesscauses harm to your physical and mental stability, and you find yourselfavoiding things that might create more fear, don’t ignore it. When anxietybecomes a debilitating thing that leaves you cowering and sick, don’t try topush it away.

ANXIETYcan be described as “a feeling of nervousness or worry.” Have you, for example,ever felt nervous when confronted by an angry dog? What happens when the doggoes away? The nervousness and worry do too, don’t they? What, though, is ananxiety disorder?

Whenanxiety becomes chronic, when it continues even after there is no more need tofeel anxious, anxiety can become a disorder. According to the U.S. NationalInstitute of Mental Health (NIMH), “anxiety disorders affect about40 million American adults age 18 years and older . . . in agiven year.” Unrelenting anxiety can have serious consequences for thesufferer.

Fear, anxiety or phobia?

Feelings of fear, worry or stress can beupsetting, but they usually pass when the cause of your stress is gone. Youwon’t need too much help fighting your fears here, because they don’t lastlong.

Anxiety is a more serious condition. It is commonto be anxious in a high pressure situation; for example, before you make aspeech or sit an exam. You might also experience anxiety after a stressfulevent, such as an accident.

An anxiety disorder is different, because thoseanxious feelings are there even when there is no obvious cause.

If you experience feelings of anxiety that aresevere or happen often, or if they affect your day-to-day life. You might havean anxiety disorder.

A phobia is an irrational fear of a certain objector situation. Someone with a phobia can experience intense anxiety when theyare exposed to this particular object or situation – or sometimes if they justthink about it.

2020/09/09 06:40:12

As you can see there are many things people are fearful of, buthere are the ten most common phobias:

Social phobias

· Social phobias are the most common type of fear.

· They are considered an anxiety disorder andinclude excessive self-consciousness in social situations.

· Some people can fear being judged so much theyavoid specific situations, like eating in front of others.

· Up to one in 20 people have a social phobia.

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